Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Healthy Mama

Okay since I've been pregnant or breastfeeding since 2002 (with the exception of a few months in between Dallas and Asher) my body is in desperate need of some attention. Those of you who know me closely know I am HORRIBLE at taking vitamins, or as I like to call them "whole food supplements." I take Juice Plus and I just can't ever get myself to actually take it. I'll give the kids theirs and totally not take mine. Well I've realized my body is screaming for some help. It's been deprived of all it needs pretty much and after reading a great book called the Omega 3 Connection I've realized I'm pretty much depleted in Omega 3 (which is why my hormones has gotten much worse each year since 2002) So for the last 2 days I've been consistent at taking everything and I have to say today was WONDERFUL! I feel like a new woman. Don't know if it's from all that I'm taking or what, but I do feel great.

For those inquiring minds here is the run down on my supplements: Juice Plus Fruit and Veggies (if you are interested let me know I can let you know more about them), Garden of Life Icelandic Cod Liver Oil Liquid (don't take capsules-not as good), Nature's Way Primodophilus , and Candistroyer (last two are for my Candida)

I've seen this wonderful speaker Dianne Craft at the homeschool conference the last two years and her information has been very relevant to me and eye opening for not just my kids but for me as well. She has great recommendations on her site store She interests me right now with her Biology of Behavior studies...check her out. I actually buy all my products from Vitamin Shoppe locally (except Juice Plus) but always buy the brands she recommends.

(Dallas actually took the above picture of me today and I just thought it was funny)

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