Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Amazing Swimming Asher

Asher truly is doing unbelievable. He amazes everyone that sees him swim. At 13 months he's swimming, rolling over to catch a breath, swimming to the side and pulling himself up. When I have him at my parents pool he jumps to me when I say "Ready, set go!" He has the biggest smile when swimming. He cried the first few days at swim lessons, more like a whimper. Now he doesn't cry, just gets right down to business. Yesterday this one mom said, "He's amazing! How old is he?" I replied, "13 months." She said her baby was the same age but she had just started last Monday. I then said,"Yes, so did he." Yesterday Lisa had him do partial clothes (diaper on over swim suit) to see how he swims. She would flip him upside down to try and confuse him but he still figured it out. Today I'm getting in again and we are going to work on making him understand the command to flip or immediately. Right now when she tells him underwater with a hand motion to flip over he just swims faster to go to her and then finally flips. I would love to get a video up to show you but things have just been so busy I don't know when I will get to that.

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