Monday, January 14, 2008

Asher is 8 months old

"Whoa dude, this is pretty high up"
"On second thoughts, I think this is TOO high up"
"I'm loving this. Can't wait till I'm old enough to actually slide down it."
(Asher's sporting a new outfit from Nena. Fits well with our family since my dad used to fly helicopters in the Army)

I can't believe 8 months has gone by. He's growing so much each day. He now says dada, baba, gaga and mama. He can roll over from back to belly (hasn't figured out belly to back yet). He sits up and eats very well breakfast, lunch and dinner. Is still nursing about 5 times during the day. He's stopped sleeping his 13 hours straight since the teething started (oh yes, he has two teeth on the bottom!). He now seems to wake at about 11am and 5 am. We are working on that. Doesn't work so well in my sleeping schedule. LOL He does take two naps a day. 1 at 9am and 1 at 1pm. He goes to sleep all on his own, I just put him in there with the mobile on, he turns himself over and goes to sleep (just like I trained Boston and Dallas to do.) He surely is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen in my life! He amazes me. When he got his second flu shot last Tuesday he whimpered once but that was it. Boston and Dallas ran out of the room because they didn't want to see him get his shot. They were so concerned about him hurting. I hope they always stick together and care for each other as much as they do now.

1 comment:

Tiffanie Hage said...

He is getting so big, so fast! I do hope your boys stay so sweet to each other. My boys are lost without one another, but they also want to get on each others nerves very quickly...oi vey! :)