Monday, January 7, 2008


Boston & Dallas walking the tracks with Jeremy and Makala Earp
I feel so blessed that the boys get along so well and that they care and love each other so much. There are those times when they disagree on things or want the same toy, or want to be alone, or want the other one to play what they are playing. So I'm finding myself in this unchartered territory of discipline that I'm not sure how to handle. What do I do when one wants to play alone in their room with a certain set of toys and the other one wants to join? What do I do when one asks if it's his turn for the toy? How long is too long? How do I teach them to share lovingly. How do I teach them to not be bossy and tell the other what to do? I want to do it all so right but there's not set book that says, "Do it this way and we guarentee success." So i guess, I pray, and I do the best and hope that they turn out okay. I guess that's all one can do.

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