Thursday, January 24, 2008


I've started a series at church in our ACTS classes on Wednesday nights call "Discerning the Voice of God." I took this at the end of my pregnancy with Asher but wasn't able to go to all the classes so I wanted to take it again because it was just that good. I HIGHLY recommend the book or workbook to anyone. If you can watch the video series with Pricella talking it brings it home even more. She is just an awesome and amazing woman to listen to and learn from. I have not been very good about having my quiet time lately and this was just he little kick I needed to get back on track. It's amazing how much God speaks to me when I just ask Him and listen. And a lot of times I think that I should only ask Him to intercede on the big things, but yesterday I prayed about little things, like keeping the boys well and having them sleep in until 7am. And it worked! I have prayed those prayers before and they didn't and I now know that the reason they didn't is because I really didn't believe God would answer them. It was like I was challenging him, "Lets see if you will answer these." That wasn't how he wanted me to pray to Him. So now I try and be in a conversation with Him all day long, talking even through the "little" things. How great is He!

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