Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dallas' week

Poor sweet Dallas had a week of it. He started back OT after a month off because his Occupational Therapist got married and took time off. And he struggled there. Which was good because the same things I was seeing at home she too experienced and it was nice to have her support and suggestions. I keep thinking in a few years I'll look back and almost forget he had any of these problems....please Lord. Until work work work work.

Then on Tuesday he had to have two cavities filled (his teeth are very very close together.) That was quite the experience. I should have thought more about the fact that his sensory processing disorder was going to make it more difficult, although I probably wouldn't have been able to change anything anyhow. I wasn't allowed in the room since they gave him laughing gas so Sean took off work and was the to hold his hand and talk to him. I was right outside the open door and could talk to him as well. It was heart wrenching listening to him cry. Ugh. But we got it done and washed it down with three cookies from Walmart and Chickfila (which he requested). He was most upset about the fact that he couldn't feel that side of his mouth. I think he thought it was never going to go away, as much as we reassured him it would very soon. So there was lots of anger, screaming and fits, but we got through it and a few hours later he was much better!
Then on Thursday while I had to go get prenatal blood work I finally took Dallas to get his blood work for his abnormal enzyme level from testing we did months ago. I went first thinking that would help to show him how quick it was (he didn't actually watch me since the lady stood in between us.) Then me and two nurses had to hold his arm while he got one vile taken. ugh. I just hate hate hate doing this kind of stuff to him. The crying just tears and rips my heart out. But I know its for his good. So with a bag of m&ms we headed to Nenas to swim and make it better.

Now to prepare myself for the quick scan MRI he has in 2 weeks (just another follow up to the one he had months ago.

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