Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dallas eats eggs

This morning I made eggs. Dallas used to eat eggs when he was younger but no more. Well today I brought out the Disney eggs I had gotten on sale with my coupon (yes, Disney is now producing their own eggs complete with a character stamped on top of the egg) This interested Dallas, especially with all the characters he knows like Buzz and Woody. He picked the Pooh eggs and Boston picked Tiger. I made scrambled eggs and I also added that he would get muscles like Daddy if he ate eggs because it's got protein in it.

And would you believe he ATE ALL the eggs!!! It was a HUGE step!! Go Dallas! I'm so proud of you and all the foods you are trying now.

I also want to add that Dallas is really attempting to eat when I serve for dinner. This is also a big step as in the years past he would rather skip dinner and go right to bed than eat what is served, even if it's something he likes. I can't figure out the thought process there but he's realized that he's not getting anything else to eat and I guess it's finally sunk in his head (after a few years!!!) Boy is God teaching me some patience. A few night here and there of him eating is just enough to keep me inspired!

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