Friday, June 13, 2008

Boys Boys Boys

Boys, I love my boys. With each day I realize how much I love having boys. Even though the desire of my heart has always been for one little girl, I sometimes even wonder lately if I do want to have a girl. LOL To even type that sounds so funny to me. I've always wanted a little girl, but boy does God know me better than I know myself. These boys are exactly what I needed! Just look at those smiles. Ahhh, it melts my heart. And they love me so much that my heart feels like it might just burst! Today we were hanging out and they would just come over and hug me, adore me, and tell me how much they love me. I couldn't ask for me. I love how they smile at me, how they think I can do amazing things, how I can heal a boo boo by just kissing it, how I'm an expert to them at building train tracks, how they thank me for a yummy meal, and how they know when mommy's having a "bad day" and know just what to say to bring back my smile. How could anyone not want a boy? A boy that has more energy than you can imagine and yet will crawl up in my lap and ask me to read a book. I've come to a place in my heart where I honestly don't know whether I would ask for a girl or a boy now for our next child. And that's an awesome place to be. I want this next child to know that THEY are what a wanted. Not a girl or a boy, but just what God had planned for our family. (No...I'm not pregnant everyone...just baby on the brain!) Hey-maybe I'll have those twins I always said I would have and have one of each! Wouldn't that by funny!! So once again I debunk all the nay sayers out there that look down on those of us with only boys and say, "Thank God for little boys."

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