Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Asher swimming: Day 2

Asher did amazing again today! I videoed it and I will try and find time to upload it so you can all see how amazing our little swimming Asher is.

Floating...this usually takes a few weeks to get them to do, was completely natural to him. And rolling over to swim was too!
Amazing breath control, never takes in any water and already kicks his feet!!


Chelle said...

That's awesome!!! Maybe I should try classes for Alana soon. She is very brave around water and jumps right in, which scares me. She'll be 2 in a few weeks and I was thinking she might be too young to "get" it... maybe not!!

Cant wait to see video!

Cricket said...

I wish you lived closer over here because Southwest Aquatics is amazing! They taught all our boys. But it's 10 minutes a day 5 days a week for 3-6 weeks depending on how long it takes them. I think that would be a long drive for you. Boston started at 20 weeks and in 3 weeks was swimming everywhere and jumping in. Dallas started at 9 months. Asher is already jumping off the side to me and swimming. I can also show you some things that might help too.