Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Driving to the mountains!

Today was the first time I forgot it was Wednesday. Here Wednesday means you get out of school an hour early. So I got a call from the school, "Um Mrs Whitman, did you forget to pick your son up!" Oh my gosh!!! Craziness. I flew to the school. I was just so busy getting ready to leave for the mountain house that I totally forgot.

We picked Sean up from work and left for the mountain house at 5:30pm today. We arrived at 1:40am. It really wasn't too bad of a drive. 8 hours. My college roommate and best friend Jess and her husband Bart and their 3 kids drove down from New York to meet us there. Everyone was asleep when we got there except my poor mom who has insomnia most night. Off to bed we went and ready for fun the next day!!

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