Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dallas blood test

I finally got through to the doctor and the insurance company to let us test Dallas for Delayed Food Sensitivity (also called an IgG test.) My doctor also wanted to have him tested for Celiac (allergic to Gluten) disease. I really don't think he has Celiac but whatever. To be honest I feel like the doctor has no idea what he's talking about these days. It's so true that you have be be your child's own doctor. I honestly believe I know more about these subjects than he does because he doesn't deal with it everyday. But I digress...

Today I took him to have these blood tests run and also the blood tests the behavioral specialist ordered. Originally it was suggested that I have the blood drawn during the MRI when he is put under. But when I got these last two scripts I wasn't sure if they would include them and so I needed to go to the Lab to have them done. I figured, well, why not just knock them all out now. I was very nervous, with Dallas mood changing at the drop a dime and his tantrums that are out of control, I thought there is just no way he's going to give blood. But I prayed all morning. I prayed specifically for the lab specialist who would do it, for Dallas to be brave and strong, and for it to not hurt him. And it went BEAUTIFULLY!!! He did amazing!! He sat in my lap and laughed all the way up until she put the needle in. He never screamed, just had a few tears running down his checks. He talked to me and I told him stories and he didn't ever jerk away. She drew 6 VILES of blood!!! So right afterward he got M&Ms and I took him to ChickFilA for his favorite biscuit and to play on the playground.

I'm so proud of him today. I couldn't imagine a more brave little soldier than Dallas today. And I thank God for making it a good experience!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

What an answer to prayer!
Dallas is SO brave and he has a great mommy who came prepared with M&M's :)