Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My last day being pregnant

I'm trying to cherish today, my last day being pregnant. We don't plan on having anymore kids so i'm torn today. I'm very much ready to not be pregnant because I'm so uncomfortable but I have also always loved being pregnant. The idea of a little one growing inside me, feeling them move and grow. It's the most amazing feeling and nothing can compare!

I've also tried to enjoy and love and kiss a lot on my boys. We went to walmart and the boys picked out valentines an we came home and got them ready.

Boston was very cute at the store. He saw these heart necklaces and very sweetly asked me if he could get them because he wanted to give Julia(our neighbor) and Bonnie necklaces for valentines. It's so cute to see him want to give these girls a gift.

We bought them and this afternoon he gave Julia hers and then followed her around the backyard with puppy dog eyes. Already at 6 having a little crush. Lol. It is very cute to watch him look after her, put her first as jump to help her out Then of course as we are heading back into the house after playing Dallas says to Julia, "I love you" and blows her a kiss. Little lover boys I have!!

Sean and I went to dinner at Olive Garden and ate to our hearts content! Trying to get lots of energy for labor tomorrow.

I've been having very strong contractions since noon. They are just very far apart. So I'm thinking there must be some pregression.

When I told Dallas tonight that tomorrow mommy wouldn't have baby Sydney in her belly anymore she will be out he grinned the absolute biggest smile. It was so adorable. He's oh so excited for her to finally be coming. Everyday he kisses my belly and especially when I drop him off at school he gives me a hug and Sydney a kiss. What a big heart my little Dallas has.

Off to bed and ready to get up at 3am to get ready to go to my induction!

- Cricket

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am sure that by the time you read this, you will already have had baby Sydney, but I wanted to say that I have been thinking about you and praying that all goes well and you both are healthy and strong. I know what you mean about cherishing being pregnant-what a privilege it is for us as mommies (even if it is a pain sometimes)!