Boston LOVED his class and was singing the songs and doing all the motions right after the first day. One of the music leaders said she actually would look for Boston's big smile and his excitement each day. She said he always new all the motions and words. So proud of him. His teachers gave him a bible and he has cherished it. He carries it everywhere and talks all about "his bible." What a blessing this was. He also got to decorate a pillow case and bring it home. There were a ton of crafts I would scan in if I had time. Really cute ones!
Boston dancing in the Harbor
Dallas during Rec time. He's in the blue hawaian shirt
Music time in the class...Dallas has the green scarf over his head
On this day we did handprints for the craft and we couldn't get the paint off. So we were the "green hand class"
Asher did wonderful in his class. His teachers really enjoyed him and he took a nap everyday...yah!! (A pic of the boys on the last day. They wore these shirts the first and last day)
My class and I waiting outside Harbor for the music and fun. Dallas just LOVED the puppet turtle name "Crash" (like from Finding Nemo movie)
Dallas dancing in the Harbor
Nena was in charge of one of the preschool snack rooms this year and the boys loved going to visit her before AND after VBS. They called it "nena's office." Of course they loved it because she was there, but the food was a definite PLUS! We also ate over in the church's cafeteria a couple of times and I got my favorite, Buffalo Chicken Wrap!
After VBS they went to swim at Nena's (which they did a lot this week) and Asher took a nap and I got to go shopping with Suzanne. She needed some clothes for the Thailand Mission trip that she is leaving for tomorrow. We had such a great time and found some great buys. We should defiantly shop together more often! I so love her!!! What a blessing it is to have her for a sister-in-law!!!
So tonight I'm going to crash and tomorrow we are going NO WHERE. This morning I told the boys that it was the last day of VBS and they said, "so we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow." Poor things. I sure did feel bad this morning because they were all so tired I know they really didn't want to go.
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