I just read a very interesting article on tuna fish and how the mercury levels affect children. Dallas LOVES tuna fish. He would eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner if he had his choice. After feeding Asher today I thought I should look into the chuck light tuna that I feed them and make sure how much they can eat. It was to my AMAZEMENT that Dallas eats WAY too much! I actually ordered a mercury level test that test hair to see if his mercury levels are high. He doesn't have any of the symptoms the kid in the article has, but he eats a TON of tuna. Hopefully he's okay. But Asher won't be able to have tuna again now for 3 weeks. How crazy is that! It's so sad that something so healthy can cause problems for you. I was happy that Dallas loves to eat tuna. I thought, gosh, I'm so lucky my kid loves tuna and not hot dogs. So I'll keep you updated on the tuna mercury levels in my house!
Here's the articles I read:
First one is about a boy who was badly affected by the mercury levels in the tunafish he ate regularly
This one tells you how much you should eat:
My kids also love tuna...but they also love the chicken in the can as well and I make that just like my tuna...give that a whirl and see what they think!
I've heard this too. Especially with pregnant women. Luckily...none of us eat tuna, so we're all set! :o)
I'm glad you found the article! Keep us posted!
Kaili likes tuna but she hardly eats it because I refuse to make it. The smell of it alone makes me gag! LOL! So she gets it as a treat whenever Wayne makes it for the 2 of them.
I know you said you might have another baby so be careful while youre pregnant! I know you have to really limit tuna and some other seafood w/ high mercury during pregnancy!
I personally LOVE the canned chicken instead of tuna (for me)! That's always been my personal substitute for tuna growing up! ;)
I started adding almonds to it now ever since you made it that way when I was visiting you! LOL! I love it!
I've always been a tuna lover myself and I cut back big time when I got pregnant first time around and don't permit myself to eat as much anymore. I've tried the chicken on him before and he figured it out because he eats it right out of a bowl, no bread, but sometimes crackers. But I'm going to have to try it again...LOL
Glad you liked the almonds chelle!
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