Friday, June 13, 2008

God's schooling plan

Lately, especially being up at the church and being around a lot of homeschooling moms, I can find myself questioning God's desision for us to go the Charter School route. I do believe in so many things that homeschool is founded on and I get excited even thinking about homeschooling. But then I also have to say to myself, if every Christian family homeschooled their kids, what kids would be out there to save those unsaved little children. We have to be in the trenches to reach those that are lost. (I'm not saying that homeschoolers aren't in the trenches, just in a different way.) But I do feel like some believers do need to send their children to full time school. And at this moment both Sean and I feel strongly the Lord is leading up to put them in school. Who knows if that will change in the future. But I wanted to be a voice of encouragement to those of you out there that aren't homeschooling and might ever question your parenting because of it. God has a different plan for everyone, and the right plan for you is the one He has given you. I remember when Sean was questioning God's call for him to go back to work at his old job instead of working out of the house (he worked from home for 2 years). But we both felt the call for him to go back there and felt strongly it was for him to be a light in a world of darkness at his office. And I know it can be hard for him sometimes, but I'm so proud of him for following God's path, and I know he's doing great works for God there! I'm proud of you babe. And I look forward to Boston and Dallas being a light to those they encounter next year in school!

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