Asher, Sean and Boston swimming in Aunt Margie's pool a few months ago

It wasn't the most eventful Father's Day today because I had to set up our VBS room today as well. So after church we went to Wendy's (it was fast and easy and we didn't have to wait over an hour to sit down). I did make Sean a breakfast burrito for breakfast (he loves them and I have never made him on before.) We got to church pretty much on time (which says a lot when you have 3 kids and two adults to get there...something ususally always happens to put us behind, even if we start getting ready at 6am!) Then we came home and Sean and Asher took a nap and the kids and I hung out for a while. The boys went with me to church and Sean went to the lake to sign up someone for PPL. He then came and got the boys and took them to Donatos for pizza. They were so excited that daddy was picking them up from their classrooms and taking them to dinner that they told the ladies in their rooms all about it. It was very cute. So they got some good daddy time. Thank you Sean for being a great daddy to our 3 beautiful boys. I'm so glad that God chose you as my husband and to be the father of our children. They do love and adore you so. I finally got the room done at 8pm and I headed home with a tired Asher.
Daddy and Dallas
The service today was awesome! You can view it on the church's website at Even though he may have been talking to dads it hit home to me as well. You can compare yourself as a parent to other parents. "Oh they are doing a bible study as a family...they do this...they do that...we aren't doing enough." When really what matters is how you act with them every second of everyday. You teach them about Christ in every moment.
Deuteronomy 11:18-20 says, "So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" Sometimes we try to make parenting more complicated than it has to be. Just be like Christ, do what he would do and your children will notice this. They will see what is right and what is wrong. They will see your love and know God's love. What a great and impactful service it was.
Daddy and Dallas again

And let me say Happy Father's Day to my dad. What a great dad he is. He's always been there for me growing up and was always there for everything. He sat threw more plays than he ever wanted to I'm sure...LOL And he was usually watching them threw the eye of a lense on a videocamera. He was supportive and never complained. He's so easy going and go with the flow. Thank you for always being so supportive and loving. You did walk the walk with us growing up and I know my faith is strong because of it. Thank you dad!!! (Right is a photo of me and my dad when I was 3 or 4 years old. Bottom is a pic of Boston and Papa when Boston was almost 2 years old.)

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