Today marked the beginning of our summer vacation (our first real one since this is the first time any of the boys have been in school!) Since I was so hot (my car temp read 100 degrees yesterday!) I busted out the water sprinkler toy I bought on clearance last year and the boys were so excited! Dallas enjoyed from a distance most the time (the boys loves the swimming pool, but not a big fan of cold sprinkler water). Boston loved running through it going crazy and swinging in the water on the swing.

On a sad note, my family's family dog Roxie passed away today. It was a very sad event in our household. Roxie truely was like one of the family, smartest dog we ever had (a mix between Border Collie and Austrialan Shepard) The boys were also very close to her and always love swimming in the pool with her. She always knew she could bring then toys. After I found out this morning I read the boys a book I had bought at the library gift store a while back so I would be prepared if a pet died. It's called "Goodbye Mousie." It does a good job of explaining pet death and how to cope with it. They said they wanted to bury Roxie with her toys and some food for her to eat. We went so see her and say our goodbyes. What a hard and sad day it was.
Mommy also started the summer off with a girls night out with some great girlfriends. What a great group it was and we were having so much fun we ended up staying out until 1am. I honestly don't remember when the last time I did that was!!! Probably pre-kids! We were all talking about how we couldn't even go to bed that night because we had had so much fun together. It's just so nice when you can find great girlfriends like that. Thanks girls!!! (And thanks to my mom for opening her house to us while her and dad went out to dinner and a movie. It was so nice to be able to have a house to go to without tripping over toys and children...LOL)
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