As I was driving home from dropping my 3 boys off at my parents lakehouse I pass by several ranches with long drive ways where you pass by cows, horses, goats and other fun farm animals. I thought, like many times before, how much fun it would be to live on a lot of acres. How I'd always dreamed of living on a huge lot of land with a long driveway where trees lined the dirt road into our big beautiful house. Where horses and kids roamed (and someone else took care of maintaing the horses because I'm not sure I'm cut out for that!) The thought of living away from the hussle and bussle where my kids can run and run and I don't have to watch them every second while they are outside. Where they have freedom to ride their bikes without a speeding car hitting them and roaming the land without worrying about some crazy person taking them.
And then I realized, my kids are growing so fast. With no definite plans to move to such a place in the grand scheme of things, my kids will most likely grow up in the suburbs, in a neighborhood, with little land. There's only one life to live, and it's going by at a rapid speed for me. Their childhood is moving too quickly. As crazy and hectic as it is with four little ones under the age of 7, these are such great times! And we aren't living exactly where I thought we would but this is the life God has planned for us. This is our perfect plan. It makes me sad thinking that they are growing faster than our plan of moving to all this land, but I have to live in the here and now and enjoy where we are. Make IT our perfect land.
(A picture of one of the ranches I drove by courtesy of my iphone)
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