Happy Birthday my sweet Asher! Today my baby boy turned 3 years old. Where does the time go? 3 years ago I was at the hospital having an all nighter with my funny husband and crazy best friend Jessica (who left her 3 kids with her parents and drove all the way to be here for the birth).

It was a fun fun fun labor....and an OH so painful one. I was trying hard to deliver without an epidural but since he was 2 weeks late they had to induce me. After 13 hours of hard hard labor without the epidural and still only 5 centimeters the nurses decided to start upping the pit at a more rapid rate. That's when the tears started flowing from my tired body. But in the end the epidural was great and the rest of the labor was enjoyable and it was even more amazing not knowing the sex this time around. And even though I already had 2 boys when the doctor said, "It's a boy!", I smiled and fell madly in love with him.

How old are you Asher? He responds, "3!" as he holds up all 5 fingers.

We didn't have a big party this year but enjoyed celebrating with our famiy of 6 with a much requested Umizoomi cake. Since they don't sell any Umizoomi stuff yet being that the show is so new I had to improvise and print out pictures online and tape them to popsicle sticks. But it turned out great and he sure loved it! And we watched lots of Umizoomi today!
Admiring his Umizoomi cake I made for him.

Opening presents. He wanted trains, of course we have about 1000 at our house already since he's the 3rd boy, but he trains he got! A Thomas the train set thats kinda like a rollercoaster for trains and a piece to add to the Geotrax set. We must own everything they sell for Geotraxs!

Thank you Asher for all the laughter you have brought into our lives. You truly are one of the funniest people I've ever met and most other people say the same thing about you after meeting you. Your smile is infectious and the words that come out of your mouth never cease to amaze me. What a blessing you are and I thank God for you!
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