This morning was our IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting for Dallas for Kindergarten next year. He has had several evaluations with Orange County and today was the final results of all those evals to figure out where he should go and what services he would qualify for.
The stress that has consumed me resulted from the last two evaluations. During these you want your kid to perform at his worst so they can truly see what he needs. But for Dallas these two days he was literally acting at his most extreme worst. So much so that afterward the evaluators and psychologist and the Autistic Spectrum Disorder coordinator all agreed that he needed to be in an ASD class next year.
I froze.
What happened to him being integrated into the class and coming out for the services he would need. Not my child! He isn't that severe. He is very high functioning.
Needless to say Sean and I came to the meeting with bullets loaded, not about to let our boy be placed in a special needs class.
On top of that we had applied to Hope Charter school for the 3rd year in a row. The first year we were 90 something on the wait list (with only 20 spots per grade), last year we were 60 something, and then FINALLY this year Boston got in! Dallas was #7 on the wait list but moved up to #4 because his sibling got in. But I struggled. I asked God why in the world he wouldn't have Dallas get into this amazing school. This school that seems so perfectly suited for him. A school that was started by a pastor and his wife with an autisic kid that they wanted to be integrated into the class. A school the reinforced the same great eating habits we do at home (no artificial anything and less sugar) and incorporates Brain integration therapy and other amazing education plans into the school day. I just couldn't understand why this wouldn't be God's plan.
But today I think I know why.
After a 3 hour IEP meeting it became clear to me that Dallas needs extra attention. It may not be for the entire year, it may just be for a month. But for him to succeed in the long run he would greatly benefit from individualized attention this first year, teaching him the social skills he needs and teaching him correct behavior and how to adjust and handle himself. And the school that he is being placed in seems like a great fit. They even have a sensory room. Sean and I will be touring the school on Monday and will have another meeting to finalize all the IEP in a week, but I'm seeing how God does have his perfect plan. I'm seeing first had how i need to trust him more and more.
I know He knows whats best and I just need to
be still....be quiet....and listen.
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