Ashers 3 now and I never have him sleep on top of me anymore. It's one of those things about babies that I absolutley LOVE!
So I sat there and relished this moment. I thought about his first 3 years of life and how fast it's flown by. I thought about how quickly it will continue to go by. I watched Boston and Dallas run through the room playing gi Joe chasing each other and I looked at my 5 and 7 year old boys and how grown up they are.
My girlfiend Rebecca was telling me how it occured to her at church this past Sunday as they introduced this years high school seniors that her son would be up there in 8 years. She wondered where the time had gone. She talked about how everyone said it would go by fast but how she never truly underwood that but now she did.
As I'm laying there with Asher wishing I could stay there forever and love on him I heard "ring ring" coming from my cell phone sitting next to me. Well actually it rang the song "soul sister" by Train which I find I a whole lot more fun. I quickly answered it so I wouldn't wake my sleepy boy and on the other end was a lady in broken English asking me if I had a black and white dog named Dillard. She had gotten loose and was several streets over. My utopian experience reminising on ashers childhood was quickly interupted as I was catapolted back into the craziness of my life.
"kids! Load up in the car. We gotta drive to get Dillard".
- Cricket
1 comment:
I went in and cuddled with Lucas earlier this week while he was wrapping up his nap. He climbed on my belly and I LOVED it :)
Gotta enjoy these moments, sweet Cricket, they are truly flying by!!
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