Sunday, May 30, 2010
Boston's 1st Basketball Season

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010
Our perfect land

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Boston's prayer for Logan

(picture of Logan and Boston at Green Meadows farm in Kindergarten, Oct 2008)
At Boston's last basketball game this year he played another team that had Logan as one of its players. Boston was excited to see his old classmate again. Then Tuesday night at the last basketball get together of the season they had a Harlem Globetrotter speak and at the end he explained what is was to have Jesus in your heart and then prayed the prayer for whomever to join in. Finally he asked if anyone prayed that prayer with him to come forward. Well wouldn't you know that the third person to walk up was Boston's old classmate Logan. Boston was over sitting with his team and he quickly turned around and smiled at me, pointed and said, "Look mom! Logan went up!!!" Afterward he couldn't stop talking about the fact that Logan had asked Jesus into his heart and how great that was! He remembered that 23 kids made a confession of faith that night and is stil talking about it. I'm so proud of my little boy! I told him that because of his love and his prayer for Logan that he helped Logan get to where he is now in his faith. What a great thing that at this young age in his life he has already seen the power of prayer in moving someone's heart to Jesus. Praise God!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
1. My neighbor Jerry who brought me 2 cokes and a flower today
2. Hearing Asher tell me "I love you mommy" as I'm tucking him in bed at night. His little, sweet voice just melts my heart
3. Boston's 1st Upward Basketball season is over, he had a great time!
4. Text messaging, especially because whenever I get on the phone something always goes crazy with my kids.
5. Well kids, after having sick ones for several days I really appriciate not having to clean up throwup
Strawberry Lime Italian Ice
We have a BlendTec blender and these are directions from making it in my blender.
1 Lime peeled
2 Strawberries
6 oz sugar (but you can use less)
7 oz water
2 cups of Ice
Speed 1 for 50 sec
Speed 2 for 25 sec
Speed 10 for 25 sec
I had to add 2-4 cups more ice and blend longer so just play with it to get the consistency you prefer. I hope you enjoy....I know we all did!
Join me in "5 Things I'm Thankful For"

Monday, May 24, 2010
Starting "5 Things I'm Thankful For"

- My baby girl smiling at me...because I'm her mommy
- My oldest son sitting in the passenger seat talking to me about anything and everything
- Asher finally giving up his pacifier...or as he so fondly calls it "UhOh"
- Dallas - for who is is right here and now
- Getting to workout with Rebecca at the Y
I once heard that you should write down 5 things you are thankful for everyday and then at the end of the month take all of those and pick the top 5 you are thankful for that month. Then at the end of the year you can see this amazing list of the things you have been thankful for all year long. I've been meaning to start this for 7+ years now....and now is the time!
Cricket's Semi Homemade Mac and Cheese
I use a box to start with. Personally I prefer one that is whole wheat and free of anything artificial. Then I grate up some cheddar cheese and asiago cheese. I cook the mac and cheese according to the box and mix it up. I saute up some onions and add it in with a little asiago cheese.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
$70/week update with Gingerbread Spice cake
Everything I bought was free of artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).
For dinner last night we had burgers, sweet potatoes, and salad. Tonight we had hot dogs, baked beans and corn on the cob. I also made homemade hummus and a Ginger spice cake (which looks more like bread-and it's SUPER yummy, AND healthy! And no one can tell there 1 cup of broccoli and 1/2 cup of carrots in it (pured of course). I got a huge smile and "this is great" from Sean. The kids were asleep so I'll have to test it on them in the morning.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Feeding the family for $70 a week
- Cricket
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dallas IEP for next year

I froze.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Belly sleeping

Ashers 3 now and I never have him sleep on top of me anymore. It's one of those things about babies that I absolutley LOVE!
So I sat there and relished this moment. I thought about his first 3 years of life and how fast it's flown by. I thought about how quickly it will continue to go by. I watched Boston and Dallas run through the room playing gi Joe chasing each other and I looked at my 5 and 7 year old boys and how grown up they are.
My girlfiend Rebecca was telling me how it occured to her at church this past Sunday as they introduced this years high school seniors that her son would be up there in 8 years. She wondered where the time had gone. She talked about how everyone said it would go by fast but how she never truly underwood that but now she did.
As I'm laying there with Asher wishing I could stay there forever and love on him I heard "ring ring" coming from my cell phone sitting next to me. Well actually it rang the song "soul sister" by Train which I find I a whole lot more fun. I quickly answered it so I wouldn't wake my sleepy boy and on the other end was a lady in broken English asking me if I had a black and white dog named Dillard. She had gotten loose and was several streets over. My utopian experience reminising on ashers childhood was quickly interupted as I was catapolted back into the craziness of my life.
"kids! Load up in the car. We gotta drive to get Dillard".
- Cricket
Friday, May 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Asher

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Are you there God? It's me Cricket

- Especially on hard days when the minutes seem to pass by ever so slowly and I feel like I'm trying my best to be the best mommy I can be.
- Especially on those days when I wake up with no energy and gulp down a coke and eat some chocolate to get my engine running.
- Especially on those days when Dallas starts the day out with a tantrum and Asher is screaming "NO!" at me.
- Especially on the days when it feels like there's total silence on the other end.
Are you there God? Are you tired of my pleas for help? Are you tired of me trying to do it all on my own?
It's the most beautiful word in the English language and I've just recently really started to understand what it means.
- It means that when I cry out to God, to him it sounds like a beautiful song.
- When I feel like I'm failing, to Him I'm beautiful and perfect.
- When I get angry at the kids, they forget about it totally and look at me like I'm supermom.
- That I can go to Him, even if I haven't read my bible or prayed much in days, and He's right there waiting for me with no judgement.
- I means I can sin and He still wants me to come to Him.
- It means I'm forgiven, no matter how bad I mess up.
For a busy mom I feel guilty because I don't have time to read my bible or pray or do devotions daily. And when I do the devil even sneaks in and tells me "you didn't read enough, you didn't pray enough." I heard some good advice that said "His grace is sufficient." Its not WHAT I do that makes me closer to him.
It's my heart. It's the relationship. It's the faith.
I often used to look at my relationship to Jesus much like one here on Earth. If I didn't put in the effort He wouldn't want to talk to me because I wasn't trying to make the relationship work. In my mind this made since. But Jesus is so much bigger than me. He love and grace mean that it doesn't matter how much or how little I come to Him, he STILL loves me the same.
I recently heard the song "Better than a Hallelujah" by Amy Grant. Wow. It speaks volumes to me.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Update from a too busy mama

The exciting news is that Boston got into Hope Charter School for next year and Dallas was number 7 on the waiting list. Although he will now move up since he has a sibling that got accepted. I couldn't be more excited about this school and it looks like it will be the MOST perfect fit for my kids.
Asher is getting ready to turn 3 and he's the most adorable and yet crazy child. He's definalty coming into his own and he's letting everyone else know it! With his 3rd birthday only days away he is counting down and looking forward to having an Umizoomi cake. now I just have to figure out how I'm going to make it!
Sydney is smiling, cooing and just plan BEAUTIFUL. She takes my breath away each and every day and I am truely in awe that God blessed me with a girl. I was really starting to believe it would never happen so each day I'm so thankful for my perfect family! She will be 3 months old in a few days and I can't believe how fast the time is going by. I'm charishing baby moments each and every day.
I have been working out everyday at the Y (even on the weekends) for about 3-4 weeks now. Definatly feeling the burn! I get 2 hours of childcare there everyday so I take advantage of that. I get a nice workout in and then shower and get dressed there. It's nice to be able to shower without everyone, including the dog, joining me in the bathroom. And I even get to workout with my girlfriend Rebecca which is a huge plus! Haven't lost any weight but the inches must be coming off because I can fit into some things I couldn't before.
I've been doing a lot of research on supplements and diets and we are going to start the Gluten Free/Casin Free diet as soon as school is out. We will probably go ahead and elimnate Dairy first and then slowly ease our way into Gluten. I started Dallas on a supplement called 5HTP and it's been hugly helpful for the last week that we have been taking it. I also started us all on a pharmacudical grade Omega supplement. Of course we are all on a great multivitamin/mineral supplement. I will be adding back in probiotics next week.
I have been working on healthier cooking and making everything homeade. Instead of buying waffles or cookies I make my own (the recipes are memorized now I'm making them so much). As daunting as it can seem to make things from scratch, the more I do them the easier they are. And I don't feel guilty feeding them to my kids because I know exactly what the ingrediants are in them. I saw a new show called The Food Nanny and I love her idea of having a theme night for each night of the week. I think I'm going to implement this into our routine. It would probably help Dallas too, since he really likes a schedule and routine. maybe then he'll be more likely to eat what we are eating.
Asher is showing many signs of Sensory problems and my girlfriend Jackie said it may be a yeast overgrowth so I'm going to attack that and see if we can fix it that way. Lord knows it would be crazy to have another kid with Sensory Processing Disorder in this house. Although I'm starting to feel like an expert when it comes to SPD. (well I guess that depends on the day you ask me....ha ha)
I think God is looking for me to lean into him more and more. I surely can't do any of this on my own. Most days I throw my hands up and ask God to show me how to parent because i'm feeling so lost. But he's been coming through and holding my head up high. I'm so blessed with each one of my children and they are shaping me to become the woman God made me to be. And I'm so thankful for my unconditional loving, patient husband. Without him I would give up for sure. We saw Train in concert last week and when he sang the song "Calling all Angels" it had a whole new meaning to me. You know how you can hear a song you have heard a thousand times but then after you have gone through a certain experence the song has a whole new meaning? Well that is how I feel about this song now. In it he sings, "I need a sign to let me know you're here." I say this to God daily. And then he says "I won't give up if you don't give up." This is how I feel about Sean and I. Thank goodness we never give up on the same days. One of us is always there to pull the other one up when we have given up. That's what makes having a great marriage partner and best friend a blessing. And it's in those moments that you see God there, holding you both up.
So I'm here blogging world. Although I feel like there are many brain cells missing. Hopefully I'll carve out a little time in each day to blog,....its the most amazing therapy for me!