Here's the little "peanut" as the doctor and Sean referred to "it." The baby is doing great and they changed my due date from March 19th to April 4th! A whole 15 days later!! I figured it would be about 10 days later than the original so I'm VERY happy to have a more accurate due date so that maybe this time the baby will come on it's own without induction!!! And maybe I'll actually get to have that all natural delivery I've been wanting.
God gave me much peace this last week and showed me His love in many ways so I would not worry about the progress of the baby. The doctor said the baby looks great and we even saw it's little heartbeat. What an awesome site that is! Even after it being my 4th pregnancy I am truely amazed at the wonder of a little baby growing inside of me. It's just the most beautiful thing in the whole world and I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to do it again. I LOVE being pregnant! So today I'm 6 weeks 3 days. Last night the "evening sickness" (I usually feel sick in the evening right before bed rather than morning) started. But I'm half way through the 1st trimester so hopefully the tiredness will be gone in a few more weeks!!
OH YAY!!! Im SOOOO glad everything looked great at your ultrasound! I have been thinking about you and hoping to see some good news soon!
Im really hoping it's a baby girl in there! ;) I have my 20 wk u/s on Monday and we get to find out if it's a boy or girl! Im SO anxious!
I hope you dont get sick this time around! I never was with either of my girls, then last weekend I had a *moment* :(
What a joy it is to see that miracle during the first ultrasound!
I cried everytime during each ultrasound...the amazement of technology to get a glimpse of God's hand weaving and defining your newest addition!
We are praying for you all!
PS ~ if we end up having a boy and you end up having a girl and you might want some clothes, let me know! I have bins and bins and bins of baby girl stuff. LOL! And this will be our last baby.
I'm thrilled for your ENTIRE family...you are such wonderful people, parent's, friends, etc that any child to be brought up with that support is just incredible!!! I know you are thrilled and we are thrilled for you!!! Can't wait to meet the little one...
hey girl! Glad everything was normal! And they got the due date better this time...finally right? Miss you guys!
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