Dallas and Mrs. Sheff

Well it was a busy day of meeting teachers. First was Dallas and his teacher Ms. Sheff. He was so cute. It's the same school the Boston went to last year and he's so excited that this year it's "HIS school!" He sat quietly and calmly while we went through orientation and then we walked down the very familiar hall to meet the teacher. He started to walk into Boston's old class, Ms Sue's room, but then I told him he wasn't in that class he was in Ms Sheff's class. He grinned the BIGGEST grin and ran into her class. He loves her room and all last year he would always walk over into her room and say hi and play with the toys. Since Boston was in school in the afternoon's Ms Sheff was already done with her students. It was a great meet the teacher. Ms Sheff is just so sweet and loving and I'm excited about what all he will learn this year! She gave each of them a plastic water bottle to bring to school with them each day and some cookies to welcome them. It will be his first year at school and he's just SOOOO excited!
Boston and Mrs. Ramdehal

Then we droppped off Dallas and picked up Boston from my parents to head to his school. He was excited so the first thing we did was find a paper and see what class he is in. His teacher's name is Mrs. Ramdehal. We were the first to show up in her class and Boston found his name at his table and then looked all around the class. The first thing he noticed was that there weren't any toys. Poor thing. It was very very different than his preschool class that was full of toys and stations for different types of toys. She did have some toys but they were stored away where he couldn't really see them. I signed up to be the homeroom mom. I have to volunteer 180 hours to have a child here so I've got a lot of hours to get in.

Then we went outside and he played on the playground that he's been wanting to play on since we first visited the school. Then it was off to the cafeteria to get all the rest of the things we needed. But at this point Boston became overwelmed with the whole situation. He didn't want to go in the cafeteria at all. We made it in and he found the Boy Scout table with the Pine Wood Derby cars and was very impressed since Uncle Hes had recently showed him all his old ones. I got our car label, uniform shirt, talked to PTO and signed up to be their Website Administrator (20 more hours). One great thing we found out was that Boston friend Jordan or as he calls her, Jorie, is in his class. We have known her parents Tammy and Jerry since before we all had kids. They go to the same church as us. So ya, we know someone!! I never dreamed they would have actually gotten into the same class since they are the only ones we know at the school. When Boston got in the car he was so quiet. I ended up climbing in the back to comfort him. He was so overwelmed and quiet, which quiet is not something that ususally consumes Boston. He told me he didn't want to go any place knew and just wanted to go to Ms Sue's class. I know he's going to love it once he gets going, it is all so different and overwelming to a little one (and to a mommy!)
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