Today was the first day of school for Boston (kindergarten) and Dallas (PreK-3). Of course my very early risers decided to sleep in. Boston was the first one up at about 7am and he walked in the bathroom where I was finishing getting ready and said to me, "Is today the big day mom!? I'm going to Kindergarten?" with the BIGGEST smile on his face. What a relief to me since I was a little worried he now didn't want to go. So I got him dressed and all ready and we took some pics.
He picked out a Pirates of the Caribbean backpack that got free embroidery from Disney. He sure loves it!
And I think I blogged before about how he picked out his red lunchbox that he is SO proud off.
Then I made him Rainbow oatmeal (a special treat of oatmeal with sprinkles on top.)

Dallas finally rolled out of bed at around 7:30, tired and in a horribly cranky mood. I finally get him dressed in his new Wall-E shirt that he is so excited about. It has a button on it that makes the sound "waallleee." Then he did take one pic for me with his Wall-E backpack. He's been carrying the backpack everywhere...the boy is so obsessed with Wall-E.
My mom came by to stay here with Asher (who didn't wake up until after 8am-why in the world didn't they sleep like this all summer long!?!?!?!)
First was dropping Boston off at his school. I was so nervous about it that you would have thought I was going. But I disguised it well for him. We walked up and he went right in with the biggest smile on his face. He hung his backpack up and found his seat, waved goodbye and I walked away, chocking back the tears. But since I had Dallas with me I couldn't cry. They had a Boo Hoo Breakfast for Kindergarten parents and I went by and got a muffin, OJ and some tissues and Dallas and I headed off to his school.
Boston's Class
He too was so happy and excited. He was even more excited that Boston's old school is now HIS school and that our neighbor JT is in the class across from his. So he went right in and started to play at his seat, said goodbye and I was off. 
No kids in hand, not really sure what to do with myself, I headed back to relieve my mom of Asher duty. I made it home and put Asher to bed and got a few things done around the house before I had to pick Dallas back up at noon. Then we came home, had lunch, and went to the grocery store. With Hurricane Fran on her way towards us I needed a few supplies and made sure to gas up the car. Dallas was very confused as to why we had not picked Boston up from school yet.
Finally 3 o'clock was nearing and we headed to school around 2:30. I got there at 10 minutes till (the time they told Kindergarten parents to pick up is 3 and said not to be early). But when I got there, much to my surprise, there was about 100 cars in line all the way down Oakland Ave! I waited in line for over an hour in the rain for my little guy. I missed him desperately and just couldn't get there fast enough. I just couldn't wait to hug my little guy after he had been gone for so long today!
We made it to the front and he jumped in with the BIGGEST smile on his face and said, "SCHOOL WAS GREAT MOM!!!" A few days ago I was explaining to him (after he had pushed Dallas) that at school they won't stand for this and they will send him to the Principals office. He asked what happens there and I told him he didn't want to know. We never talked about it again. The second thing out of his mouth when he got in the car was "I went to the principals office today!" I said, "What?!?" and he replied, "just kidding!" He's already too smart for his little pants. He told me all about school and said that he learned a lot, played a lot, played on the playground, made new friends and they had great toys (even a lego train!). I asked how lunch was in the cafeteria and he said "the kids that didn't bring their lunch got to go to the restaurant." I cracked up! The view of life from a 5 year old! I couldn't be happier with how great he did today and how much he loved it. He said his teacher was great and that he made a new friend and told me his name, although I can't remember it right now.
Our tradition that we started last year was to go to Twistee Treat after first day of school. Today is was raining so we had to go through the drive through, but I think they were just as excited. I also gave them a little gift for the first day, binoculars, which they went crazy over! They have a cheap pair that don't really do a lot, but these are nice ones.
So with the hurricane looming and no school tomorrow because of it we decided to head to my parents house to spend the night and watch the Olympics (since we don't subscribe to cable anymore). Wes and Suzanne came over and they boys loved telling all of them about the first day of school and just hanging out. They had a sleepover in Wes' old room and Wes came in and laid on the floor with them for a while looking up at his glow in the dark stars. Sean came over after pool and we all had a great time watching the Olympics. What a fun day it was!
1 comment:
YAY! Im glad their first day went great!!
Kaili's school (Sem. Cty) is cancelled today as well! I saw Orange is open though!
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