So no, I did not make it to church. It was another long night with Asher (gosh, I just don't remember this going on for so long with the other boys). Seems like it's always something. Because he's teething there's pain but also this yucky running nose that stops him up so he can't suck on the pacifier to sooth him. A never ending cycle. But we will get through and I will sleep through the night once again!
Sean took Boston and Dallas to church with him and then took them to Denny's for lunch afterward. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Sean or the boys. Boston came in happy and excited to tell me he had pancakes and ham! I said, "ham?" And Sean informed me it was bacon. He's never had bacon before and he said he really liked it...LOL
The boys were so loud and running all over today and Sean was trying to get some work and calls done so he suggested I take the boys and head to the lakehouse for the night. So I packed us up and the boys could hardly contain their excitement. We haven't been since Christmas!
Before we could go I had to take a family pic for the Stitelers so I met them down at the tot lot in our neighborhood on our way out. Here's some pics of Boston on the swing while we were waiting on them. He just looks so cute! And he's really mastered swinging high all by himself lately and quite proud of himself. He loves to say to me, "Mom! Look how high I can go now!" Hopefully he'll never learn how I used to swing high and jump out and almost break bones. Oh, the things you will do as a kid!
Sean took Boston and Dallas to church with him and then took them to Denny's for lunch afterward. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Sean or the boys. Boston came in happy and excited to tell me he had pancakes and ham! I said, "ham?" And Sean informed me it was bacon. He's never had bacon before and he said he really liked it...LOL
The boys were so loud and running all over today and Sean was trying to get some work and calls done so he suggested I take the boys and head to the lakehouse for the night. So I packed us up and the boys could hardly contain their excitement. We haven't been since Christmas!
Before we could go I had to take a family pic for the Stitelers so I met them down at the tot lot in our neighborhood on our way out. Here's some pics of Boston on the swing while we were waiting on them. He just looks so cute! And he's really mastered swinging high all by himself lately and quite proud of himself. He loves to say to me, "Mom! Look how high I can go now!" Hopefully he'll never learn how I used to swing high and jump out and almost break bones. Oh, the things you will do as a kid!

Stiteler family pic

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