New GeoTrax trains (what they really wanted). Not the we needed anymore. I think we could funish the entire neighborhood with a train.
Dallas bit into his chocolate egg to find a chick! He LOVED it!
Asher, looking pretty tired. His 1st Easter, and not too sure what to think of it all.Hunting for Easter Eggs all over the house. When we first woke up I told Boston, "Look! The Easter bunny hide all the eggs you had decorated." He looked at me confused and replied, "But the Easter bunny wasn't suppossed to hide my eggs. He was suppossed to hide plastic ones with stuff inside!" Ha ha, he must have learned that at school! They did have an Easter party at school and he brought home a cute bunny basket with lots of goodies. I have asked him several times what Easter is all about and he's very quick to tell me it's about Jesus dying on the cross for us. Whew, at least we got that figured out.
2008 Family Easter Photo
Boston-5 years old
Dallas - 3 years old
Asher - 10 months old
Great Grandpa Dale with Asher at Mimi's Cafe for Easter Lunch with Sean's family
Dale and Shirley loved making Asher laugh
Thanks Nena for my cute 1st Easter bib. Asher ate and ate and ate at Mimi's. Everyone couldn't believe that he ate the whole time we were there! He especially wanted whatever I had. He never cried or anything the whole long time we were there. What a great baby!
He loved it when his cousin Ellie would come over to talk to him.
Great Grandpa Dale, Asher (very obsessed with grabbing Boston's hair) Grandpa Dale, Cousin Ellie and Boston
Look at Asher face as he pulls as hard as possible on Bostons hair. And boston was such a good sport, just kept laughing
Dallas, Boston and Ellie playing with their new cars

Easter Egg hunt with Caitlyn, Lauren and JT
Jumping with all the eggs on the trampoline. They also ventured over to another neighbors house for a pinata and had a great time there too!
Asher out front when Nena and Papa arrived. He's pointing at them, it was so funny!
The HUGE Chocolate bunny Nena and Papa brought with their even bigger monster trucks
Happy Easter! He is Risen!
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