What a WONDERFUL 5th birthday Boston had today! It was packed full of more fun than you can imagine. We started the morning out with mommy starting to make his favorite blueberry muffins with special family secret topping. Only problem was that mom forgot she was out of eggs (which I also needed to make the cupcakes for the school party today.) So instead of heading to the store in all our pajamas I headed to my parents house (they left this morning with Sean to OKC for the National convention for PrePaid Legal.) On our way home Boston spilled a very old bottle of kids milk that was sitting in the back that I didn't know was there. It was curttled and had the most horrible smell I've ever smelt. So bad I had to pull over and get what I could out. Even with scrubbling, shampooing and frabreeze it's still AWEFUL in my car. But on to the fun stuff!!!!>>>>
We have a tradition that on your b-day you get the b-day plate to eat on. I made Boston a smiley face with the muffins, blueberrys and whipped cream.

We had a fun breakfast, followed by him opening Sean and
I's present "Whack a Mole." He's been asking for it since Christmas. He was beyond excited. He talked to Daddy on the phone and it was so funny because Boston asked him, "Daddy, are you at Papas?" Sean said "No." He replied, "
DAddy, I HEAR Papa talking." He could hear him in the background...so funny! Then we headed to Chuck e Cheese with Sean's mom Pat. My friend Val met us there with her two kids Aaron and Ally. We had a blast. We were the only ones there and that kids played everything then we had pizza and watched
Chucke sing to us all.
Boston, Dallas and Ally

Aaron and Asher watching from their strollers

Playing the water game with Boston

Asher was
fascinated by Chuck E Cheese. He kept pointing at him and laughing. It was too cute. Boston was singing and dancing all around. He had such a great time! With all our tickets the boys got these big ants. Boys will be boys. Ally got a bracelet and stickers and replied, "I don't want a spider or ant."

At one point I was talking and looked over and Asher had grabbed the plate all the pizza was on, grabbed a slice and was stuffing it in his mouth! He hasn't had dairy food yet but I thought, "
Humm, I guess that's okay...he's happy...I'll just let him finish it." HE ATE THE ENTIRE PIECE. And he's only 10 months old. Crazy!
(He's actually saying "OOOHHHH" in this picture to the piece. That will make ya laugh! He's momma child...LOVER OF ALL THINGS CHEEEESSSEE)

Then Pat headed to Boston's school with me and he had her walk him into class. Then I rushed home to finish icing the cupcake ice creams that I made. They turned out great. They are cupcakes cooked in ice cream cones with icing, sprinkles and a red gummy candy on top. 
Boston was so happy when he came back from bathroom break and I was in the room waiting. Ms Sue said, "Why is Boston's mommy here everyone?" They said, "With cupcakes." She said, "Why does she have cupcakes." They scream, "For Boston's BIRTHDAY." She had a cute hat for him that she said he wore earlier in the day, he wasn't interested in wearing it now. Boston was very proud to pass out the cupcakes.
Boston the snack helper passing out the cupcakes
One of his classmates wasn't there so Dallas took his seat. I went around the room and put Knight tattoos on everyone and they got inflatable swords when they went home. It was really fun.

For dinner Teresa had us over since her husband is out of town. She made us yummy pancakes and a delicious fruit salad (Boston LOVED it, especially the fruit salad). Asher had a ton of the fruit mashed up as well. Thanks for the GREAT dinner! Then they came over to our house for cupcakes and popcorn and to watch the new movie Aunt Nancy bought Boston for his birthday, "Snow Buddies", the sequel to one of their favorite movies "Buddies." We had a fun fun fun night with them. So lucky to have neighbors that you can enjoy like this. 

What a fun birthday! I think we all had fun, sticky car and all!!! (And I can't believe I have a 5 YEAR OLD!)
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