This is the invitation everyone received in the mail:
I had made this shirt for him for Halloween in 06. It was a big shirt on him at the time so it still fits and made a perfect shirt for the party!
What a fun birthday party we had today to celebrate Boston's 5th birthday. He had so many friend show up. Total was 16 kids. Crazy right. The theme this year was Knight theme that Boston picked out months ago. We had the party at Gotha Park and got there early and ate lunch to reserve the tables since its first come first serve. Boston kept asking where all his friends were. LOL All week long it's been in the 80's but today the high is only 63 and hurricane like winds out there. Everything was blowing like crazy and we were all pretty cold at first, but the sun felt so good. Then everyone started arriving and the excitement started. First the kids played on the playground (we were the only ones at the park the whole time!) and Sean pretended to be a dragon and they were all knights and princesses and he chased them. This was a huge hit!
My original plan was that they would have the inflatable swords that I had ordered from Oriental Trading Company, but because of our idiotic USPS they did not arrive on time (that's a whole other blog entry involving my BAN on the USPS). Anyhow...the knight tattoos didn't arrive either...but on with the show! My parents did find these bubble swords so I passed those out and they were a hit.
After lots of playtime we did the pinata. Boston ran out to get the stick to hit it with and all the kids followed him and were saying, "I want to hit it first!" But he quickly explained that Michelle had asked him first so SHE gets to go first. Michelle is a little girl in his preschool class that he has known since he was about 3 months old. He REALLY likes Michelle. I bought a star shaped pinata and taped a picture of a dragon on it so they could "slay the dragon." Everyone had a turn when we realized even though candy kept falling out we needed some serious strength to knock it down so Sean hit it and then Anthony's mom helped shake it out. The kids were like ants on a piece of candy scampering about to get the most. So funny!
Then we planned to do the cake. Boston stood proud behind his castle cake but as soon as they started to sing "Happy Birthday to you" he hit the road running. So no candles blown out this year. Everyone sat down to cake and ice cream with sprinkles, chocolate syrup and cherry on top (Boston's favorite). They also snacked on goldfish, pretzels, fruit punch and water (his other favorite snacks) Boston didn't want to sit at the big table with all his friends, he instead opted to sit with Uncle Hes at the table next to them. And off they went, sugar filled, to run on the playground some more.

John Helton forgetting he's not a kid anymore and hanging upside down from the swing set
Michelle and Cayla begging Sean to be the dragon and chase them again
When we got home he had JT come over and they played with the new toys he got. While opening he said loudly, "Who wants to come over to my house to play with all the toys!?!" Of course they all shout out, "I DO!" All in all it was a great party, much easier than past ones I've done at the house or lakehouse. Easy clean up, preparation, and honestly I think the kids had the most fun. So playgrounds are where it's at for my right now!

All the kids kept coming back to the cake to look at it. It was so funny how they would just sit there and look at it.
Sean then thought presents would be a good idea. But when we brought him over he ran away saying he didn't want to open presents. But all his little friends wanted them to open their presents so they went off chasing him, with their present in hand, all over. It was soooo funny! Sean got it on video so we will have to submit it to Funniest Home Videos. Later, after all the adults were off talking, he came back to the present table with a handful of friends and opened them all. Maybe it was the fact that they were all hovering over him. He's never liked singing Happy Birthday (would even duck under the table at church on Wed nights when they sing it) but present opening has never been a problem. Boston is so outgoing but when it comes to all attention focused on him I think he clams up. 
The fun continued and everyone stayed way past the 4pm end time through 5pm. We were just having so much fun. The Helton's bought him a football and the big boys started playing and the little boys grabbed the ball and had their own little match. Later that night Boston was telling me all about getting the ball and running and tackling. He asked me, "So is that how you play football Mommy?" So cute. 
Me, Mindy, Jennifer and Lydia
1 comment:
Aw! Happy Birthday Boston! Looks like you all had a great time! I agree, parks are WAY easier!!!
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