OH WHAT A NIGHT! Mommy was working on Supernatural Energy today! Dallas began throwing up around 9pm and went on all night long. With that, Boston kept waking up and saying he wasn't feeling so good. But I really just thought he was a little jealous that Dallas was in our bed and he wasn't. But around 5am he started throwing up. When you have two kids throwing up it really does get a little crazy. The day seemed very daunting to me today with no sleep and two very sick kids and heading to the lakehouse to celebrate Christmas with my family. But somehow God got me through it. Believe it or not I wasn't tired at all. I put on movies and gave the boys trash cans and did my best to pack all the gifts and clothes and head out to the lake. Thank goodness it wasn't Asher sick, there's no way I could have done it all! With the boys equipped with a trash can we made our trek to the lakehouse, a 45 minute ride. Boston feel asleep and then woke up throwing up. I thought for sure Asher and I would get it now with the germs permeating around in the car. Then Dallas feel asleep and I wondered if he would be throwing up next. But we managed to make it there and Boston seemed to be feeling much better. They both layed around most of the day watching tv and not eating anything. Thank goodness I had finished wrapping all the gifts.
The boys seemed a little bit better so I loaded them up to take them to see the Mt Dora Christmas lights before dinner. They are really an awesome site. Suzanne road with me and then Wes, mom and Dad followed. Sean was driving out from work. Poor Dallas still wasn't feeling so good there, having an accident in his pants. That was about enough for me. I was so tired and exhausted taking care of them.
Boston, Asher and me (Dallas not wanting in the picture)

Asher loved all the lights saying, "OHH!"

Mt Dora lights covering all the trees and more

Wes with his Boston shirt. Boston loves seeing his name on things everywhere we go

Wes, Suzanne and Sean wanted all of us to play the
Wii game but I feel asleep on the couch while they were setting it up. I was one tired mommy!
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