Boston and Asher were enjoying all the fun. Boston got over the illness very quickly and bounced right back. He was looking at all the gifts trying to find his name. He got a keyboard, toy fishing stuff, truck, a gun that makes a airplane fly, a toy space gun and a Lincoln Logs Train set and lots more.
Asher wasn't as interested in opening in presents as he was playing with them, or the other boys bigger toys. He did enjoy pretending to talk on his play phone and playing with his new train.
Dallas also got toy fishing stuff, truck, a gun that makes a airplane fly, a toy space gun and a Lincoln Logs Train set but also got a drum set I'm sure he will be very excited to play when he's feeling better.
Uncle Hess and Aunt Suzanne also got the boys the movie Camp Rock, which Bostons is SUPER excited to watch. He's so into High School Musical. I can just see the boys pretending to be the Jonas Brothers with all their instruments. LOL
Sean was there to open the gifts but had to go to work the rest of the day. I packed everything up and the boys enjoyed playing outside in the beautiful weather for a while. Dallas managed to make it down to sit on the boat for a little bit, the only thing he really wanted to do.
Boston in amazement at all the gifts
This picture is so funny. I love Asher looking up at Sean opening his gifts, but I ESPECIALLY love Dallas face as he peers throw the mountain of toys stacked on him! And you probably can't tell from the pic but I got Sean this shirt last year at Christmas and it says "Regift Responsibly" and it looks like a recycling symbol
You can see from this picture just how sick he was
Excited isn't he?
Papa and Asher
Dillard opening one of many gifts she's gotten this week
Lovin on her present

Excited isn't he?
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