Today we had Dallas 4th birthday party. It had a Wall E theme, which he decided upon months ago. WallE is Dallas favorite thing! I made the cake for him and he was obsessed with Eve and WallE on top of it. He took Eve off and she never made it back on because she was pretty much glued to Dallas. LOL We were having the party at Gotha Park but 2 hours before the party we realized the rainy weather was most likely not going away. So we made the decision to have it at out house, which wasn't exactly cleaned. So the mad cleaning went on right up until everyone got there. It turned out just fine having it at the house. Dallas had a good time. He did get overwelmed like most birthday kids do. I think from now on I'll just have a few kids over to the house for birthday without all the parents and siblings. I think it gets too overwelming for them with so many people there. He's been looking forward to this birthday party for months when the doorbel rang with the first guest arriving he was just adorable!

Mommy and the birthday boy with his cake!

Playing on the patio

Some of the party goers having lunch together

A tradition in our family of making people out of hot dogs. We shared this with all the kids at the party. Yummy!

Dallas with his Wall E cake and his Wall E shirt and Wall E shoes...he even has a Wall E Christmas jacket. Think he likes Wall E?

The cake I made for him

Singing "Happy Birthday to you" I think this is one of very few times any of the older boys have enjoyed this song....LOL

Opening presents, now dressed as Buzz Lightyear. I guess he was sticking with the whole space theme.

He wasn't too thrilled about opening any past Uncle Hess and Aunt Suzanne's Nija Turtle gift. But he got some really great gifts!
Dallas sporting his Wall E shirt for the party

The kids took home a bag with playdough, Wall E raison and Milky Way bars (keeping with the space theme) They also went home with a sand bucket and shovel with their name on it with stars. There was a place to play in the sand at the park so that's why I got those for everyone.

And another birthday over with. I know the kids enjoyed it but mommy was ready for a nap...LOL
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