Oh the fun! We finally are all at the mountain house together! We have talked about doing this since last year. The Baldwins always make their annual trek back to Miami for the winter season in October and we tried to plan the trip last year so that they would coincide but it didn't work out. And this year it wasn't going to happen again, but they decided they really needed a vacation and made the drive just to come to the mountains. And we were all so happy it finally worked out. The kids were even so excited to see each other!

First we went right across the street and feed the horses.

And then decided to hike up to the waterfall my parents recently found near the house. Dallas decided he didn't want to go and instead stayed at the house with my parents. I wasn't exactly sure how to get there but I figured it couldn't be that hard. Well after having hiked up this mountain we found out the in fact it was at the bottom of it.
LOL Good exercise though. So down we went and we finally found it and it was beautiful.
Sean and Asher on the hike

The Baldwins: Curtis, Bart, Bonnie, Jess and Barrett

Bonnie and Boston, calling each other best friends forever and vowing to write each other each week. It was too cute!

The hike itself was very fun. We found a baby bat laying on the ground. Of course my husband decided to pick it up.

It was moving and hissing at us but he didn't care. We took pics with hit and studied it. The kids just loved it! Then all of a sudden it just took off and flew away. Bart was getting ready to kill it because he thought it was dying.
On our walk in Dallas was coming out and wanted to go see the waterfall so I walked him down to the brook with my mom and he enjoyed this for a little while.

We headed back to the house and put the kids down for a nap and Sean, Jess, Asher and I headed to
Walmart to stock up. Of course we were laughing all the time. Jess and Sean are so much alike that we joke that they were
separated at birth. I guess it makes since that my husband and best friend would be so alike huh?
Barret, Bonnie and Boston all together

Boston and Dallas

The kids loved
sledding down the leaves on the slope next to the house. My dad blew all the leaves over there and this was a GREAT
source of fun...and a wonderful to exert all the energy they have. With 6 kids ages 1,2,3,4,5 and 6...we sure do have our hands full!!
The babies: Curtis pulling Asher
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