Today was Boston's first field trip and we went to Green Meadows Farm. I got to go as a
chaperone and was so excited to spend some time with his class, getting to know the teacher and the students better. I didn't get to volunteer in the class last month because of the craziness of the month and I'm really looking forward to that as well this month. Boston was really excited I was going on the trip as well, and he was looking forward to riding the bus over as well.

I was assigned to have Boston, Logan and Alisha in my group. Logan is one of the boys I've heard Boston talk about. Bad and good. Sometimes they are friends and sometimes he says Logan doesn't want to be his friend.
Boston and his friend Logan on the hayride
Boston riding a horse, her name was Peanut
Boston was amazing at catching all the animals. He must have picked up a dozen different chickens. And we learned today that you can tell what color eggs they lay by the color of their earlobes. Who knew!

Boston with yet another chicken

Chasing around the goats and sheep

Feeding some goats
Boston with a baby chick. They were so cute and soft.

Catching the ducks

Another duck, again, he caught more animals than anyone in his class.

Milking a cow named Sweet Lips

The weather was BEAUTIFUL today and we had so much fun! We had enough time to do most everything. I think Boston's favorite part of riding the train...who would have guessed right...
Here's some of the pumpkin patch and Boston looking long and hard for the perfect pumpkin to take home

Boston and the
chosen pumpkin (I love taking picture in pumpkin patches!)
The entire class!
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