Today was Dallas' field trip to Green Meadows farm and once again I
chaperoned. This time I wasn't in charge of any other kids because there were several other moms there and we didn't have as many kids. Dallas' class only has 9 kids. He was
SOOO excited about going and couldn't wait to get there all morning. He also got to ride on the bus and mommy rode with some other
mommys. It was fun because my neighbors son's class was also going with them and a friend of mine way back from Lamaze class' son is also in Dallas class. (I realized when I got there that I left the sim card for my fancy camera so these were all taken with the iphone)

Dallas got to see a lot of animals that Boston didn't get to see on his trip. Here we are looking at the cows

Talking with the Llama

Chasing the ducks. Dallas never tried to pick them up, he just loved chasing them around. But mommy actually picked one up this time and Dallas got to touch it. He thought that was great!

The Ostrich was so funny. He cocked his head like he was really observing US!

Chasing Chickens. I picked one of these up too. They were so
Feeding the goats

Mommy holding the baby chick on Dallas shoulder. He didn't want to hold it so mommy did the holding

Baby duck liked to try and eat Dallas shirt and he thought that was so funny. Did you know that only the male ducks make quacking noises.

Riding the train. Ya for trains!

Dallas first time riding a horse! His name was Mocha. Dallas had the biggest smile on his face the entire time.

Mrs Sheff (Dallas) class and Mrs Sue's (Boston's
PreK teacher from last year) class

Dallas milking a cow

He picked out the only white pumpkin they had and even the guides were jealous he found it!

We had such a fun day together. It really was what I needed with him. After a rough week and weekend it was really nice to be one on one with him and he was just wonderful today. He minded better than even a
lot of the other children. His teacher says he's the best in her class, always doing what she says, a master puzzle man, quiet in circle time and perfect when lining up. I just love spending time with him, especially when I can do it one on one. What a sweetie his is!
On the way home from the farm all the kids feel asleep on the bus...so funny!
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