First here's some pics in our front yard before we headed to the festival:
Boston as Darth Vader, the only Star Wars he has seen is #1 with Jar Jar Binks in it. Darth Vader is still only a kid, but he still has this fascination with it. Originally he was going to be Bible Man. But they are no bible man outfits so I improvised and bought another outfit that looked like it, and my parents had already bought him the bible man mask and cape. But I had also found some great Halloween Costumes at a consignment shop just for fun at home. One of them was this Darth Vader costume...needless to say...he switched to the Dark Side!
With his hat on!
Every year we take a family picture here at the fall festival, or I should say we "attempt" to. Usually someone doesn't want to take it. Last year it was Boston, this year it's Dallas. Oh well, at least we are all in it!
Boston playing the ring toss
Dallas was great at this shooting game
Dallas as Buzz found Roddy as Woddy. "Hey Woody!! Nice outfit!"
Boston and Dallas going down the bounce slide. I can't tell you how many times they did it. And then they spend some more time at two other bounce slides. I think it was probably their favorite thing there! Only wish I had one of these for our backyard!
Mommy taking Asher down the slide. Asher was having a fit on the sidelines watching Boston and Dallas so I finally took him on it and we went several times. He LOVED it!
Mommy and Asher, the cutest clown there!
Um...a train...yes of course we have to ride it. I think they can smell a train a mile away!
What a fun night we had. We headed home, stopped by McDonalds drive thru. Then came home and went to our neighbors Tico and Gabi to trick or treat. Then Sean took Dallas and Asher home and Boston and I went to several other neighbors. He said to me as we were walking, "Mom it's just you and me now!" It was very cute and I really enjoyed this time alone with him. He sure loved to trick or treat.
Asher hanging out on daddy's sholders
When we got home the boys went through all their candy and got a baggy to fill with what candy they wanted to keep and they left the rest in the buckets at the front door for The Great Pumpkin to come and take and bring them a present.