What happened to my baby after it died?
Will I ever see my baby and will I recognize him/her?
Does God have a reason for letting my child die?
What an answer to prayers this was because I did have so many questions. Especially since I never got to meet our baby full grown. But this book reassured (with scripture) what I was only hoping.
YES at 8 and a half weeks my baby was in fact a baby and not just cells. (Although I didn't question this at all, especially having SEEN our baby, but some may question this) YES I will see my baby in heaven and I will know who they are! And YES my baby IS in heaven! And I know God did have a reason for my baby miscarrying. I don't know if I will ever know the question to that but I feel comfort in knowing that God is GOOD and that he always makes things work for the glory of Him and I can rest in knowing that. And I have to believe that I am a better person through this tragedy. My trust, faith, love and relationship with God is closer and I thank my precious baby for that!
This book also spends some time addressing abortion and helping those who may have had one in the past. What a comforting book for those who may have experienced this. Not that he condones it or that I do, but there has to be healing for those who made this decision. And there has to be more information out there now so that people will realize that it's a baby as soon as the sperm and egg make contact. I think most people just aren't educated enough.
So for those out there who have been through a miscarriage, abortion or know someone who has, please read this little book. It really is wonderful. I hope to be a voice of light for any women who have also experienced this.
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