There was another show singing through the ages that was very good. Then Karaoke, and the late night adult scavenger hunt, The Quest. Not even sure how to describe that to you. We had our team and they would call something that you had to bring up with your team number and you had to get it from the room we were in. Some things they asked for: a piece of fruit, a guy with his shorts on backwards, two shoe laces out of the shoes, two belts, a business card, and many many more. We laughed so hard. Of course then it got a little far for us at times, so we just skipped those. It would be a great game to play somewhere if you kept it clean.
Sean and Jeff skipping along together
Our friends Kevin and Erin (from our table) in his pants!Of course the night wouldn't be complete if Sean and I didn't order room service...boy am I going to miss that! What a GREAT day!
1 comment:
"Of course then it got a little far for us at times, so we just skipped those. It would be a great game to play somewhere if you kept it clean."
I've done that on RCL cruise lines and they didn't go too far. I'd love to see a pic of Sean wearing a bra on the outside of his shirt.
You guys are getting to be old fuddy-duddies!
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