So Sunday night was when we got the dog and that was a long night. The dog had diarrea on the leather couch over 10 times (I stopped counting then...and it was toooooo late!) It was a long night of cleaning it up and taking her out. She never did go outside. But after she went poop she would come and wake me up and bring me to it. Same place everytime. So all day Monday I spent the day cleaning up more poop and pee and taking the dog out. I think this is ALL I did Monday. She seems very good with the boys, except for snapping at Asher a few times. She seems nervous or something around him. She finally pooped for the first time outside after we were out for a long while talking with the neighbors. Success! I kept taking her out but never went again. I was getting ready to put her in the bathroom for the night (so i could get some sleep) when she snuck away from me and pooped in my closet....ugh! She wimpered a lot in the bathroom during the night and Sean took her out before and after working out early this morning...nothing. Then as I'm making breakfast for the boys and trying to keep her next to me she snuck into the boys bedroom, peed on the floor and pooped all over Dallas' bed. Ugh! Boy...this sure is harder than an infant. Guess I'll be ready for another one after this!!! So after that I decided the dog must stay in the bathroom until she figures to go to the bathroom outside. So every hour I take her outside, if she doesn't go after 10 minutes, back into the bathroom. She's even getting pretty good about going back into the bathroom now. But all day she still NEVER went outside. So it's 10:40 pm and the only time the dog has peed or pooped was at 7:00 this morning!! Isn't that crazy. At least we know she can hold it a long time!
On the positive side: WE LOOOVVEEE this dog! She has such a gentle, sweet spirt and loves to cuddle with us. She is always wanting to curl up in my arms and even laid on Boston as we had storytime last night. She thinks she's a lap dog. She even like to jump up and hug you literally! This morning when Sean first let her out she RAN into our bedroom to find me and jumped into the bed and snuggled next to me. How sweet. Sean took a picture.
She is so smart! When I say "come Dillard" she comes right to me. And she still sit and stay. And also comes when you whistle. She already knows her name after 2 days. They are suppossed to be the smartest breed of dog and I believe it!
She started herding Asher around today. I took the boys to my parents to swim and Asher was crawling around the floor when I realized what Dillard was doing. She walked right next to him keeping a close eye on him and if he went a direction she didn't approve of she would jump in front of him. It was very funny. But I can see that I won't be able to leave Asher alone with her. She might nip at him to do what she wants and he's too small for this. I think Boston and Dallas could probably USE a little herding!
Notice how she's watching him intently ready to correct his every move! (especially if he goes towards the water)

In movement staying up with Asher. I think she thinks Asher is her "work to do" She didn't focus on anything else but Asher. Even the lizards and squirrels didn't interest her

1 comment:
Aw yes, the joy of cleaning up dog poop and pee first thing in the morning. We had been dealing with that and finally got a crate. I put our 2 toy poodles in the crate at night now and then let them out in the morning and no more messes. They wont poop in their own cage. They even go in there to sleep on their own during the day!
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