We dedicated Asher this morning during the Mother's Day service at church. We had my parents and my brother and Sean's parents and his grandma Blanche there for the occasion. Boston even joined in the festivities for a little while, he was begging me to see it, I thought it was so cute. Pastor David even had our family and friends come up to pray over us as a family. John and Levi also came for this as well. It was a very nice dedication. And the service was wonderful as well. He talked about the Proverbs 31 woman. A passage in the bible that can stress any mom out. This lady did it all! But he talked mainly about the last verse “Charm is deceptive, and
beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”- Proverbs 31:30 (I went to get this verse of biblegateway.com and it was the verse of the day today...crazy!) He talked about how you don't have to do all the things the woman in the verses did, all God asks is that you fear the Lord and be like Jesus basically. He talked about Charm being an air or disguise that you put on that you are perfect, your house is perfect, your kids are perfect. I hope no one ever thinks that of me...I'm surely NOT perfect at all. And this verse is comforting. You don't need to put on a "show" for people, be a God fearing woman who puts forth her best and God will praise you for that.

And Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's reading this! It didn't really feel that much like mother's day to me today because I was really more focused on the dedication more than anything. But I do celebrate the fact that I am a mom, what a joy it is, what a blessing God granted me! And I also feel so blessed to have a wonderful mom myself. One that always has and always will care so deeply for her children. Thank you mom!
1 comment:
Hey Cricket! Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day!!
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