We had Asher's 1st b-day party with some friends today at Gotha Park. It was very low key, but fun all the same. Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate with us! I can't believe it's been a year since he was born. It really doesn't feel like it. I can remember so clearly leaving for the hospital on Mother's Day last year...and the long night the went on and on and on. And for sweet Jessica for sticking it out the whole night with Sean and I. Good times! And finally meeting my precious 3rd son the next morning. What a great time and a great delivery. He has been a blessing ever since and a huge joy in our lives!
My boys playing before everyone got there

Going down the slide with Dallas

Sliding all by himself!! First time!

I love swinging


Playing in the sand box(which is actually a big volleyball court)

Playing "their" version of volleyball

Having snacks of goldfish and pretzels with juice boxes

Happy Birthday to Asher!

Cookie Monster cupcakes (my mom made the same ones for me on my 4
th b-day and I still remember them....brought back good memories so I thought I would make them for Asher)

My own cupcake!
Humm, this icing thing ain't so bad!

Cookie Monster...
Dallas enjoying his cupcake

Milk break for Asher and Lucas (they are 2 months apart)
Play dough favors.
Rebecca gave me the idea after she said she thought I would have used this photo I had posted on my blog for the invite saying it would be a hair raising good time. I thought that was a great idea, but since I had already given the invites this would have to work!

Asher enjoyed opening his presents with Dallas while Boston was in school and played with them for a long time before
naptime. After school we headed to church for Wed night stuff and everyone was beat by the time we got home. It was a very fun day!
OMG...I absolutely adore those cupcakes! Too too cute!!! I really really want to get together with you guys this summer. I think our boys would have a blast together. Let's really try and work on getting our schedules together, k?
Thanks for inviting us, Cricket! The kids had a great time at the party!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASHER!!
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