My house always has nerf darts, actions figures, matchbox cars, and wooden trains laying around . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
I buy bandaids frequently and think I have earned a degree in nursing . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
If your hear screams coming from my house don't fear, there's many war games going . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
We might not have a license for guns but we have an entire arsonel of plastic ones with swords and lightsabers as well . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
My house can go from beautifully neat and clean to looking as if not one woman lives here and a hurricane passed through in seconds . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
You'll find baseballs, soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, balls, balls and more balls . . . . I'm a mother of boys.
There's a tired mommy living here . . . . I'm a mother of 3 boys.
I have the BEST job in the world! . . . . I'm the mother of BOYS!
Join me as I write about being a mommy to boys. You are welcome to use my design if you would like to write on your blog as well.
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