Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boston's Field Trip to Green Meadows Farm

My car group standing with Boston's teacher Mrs Pikalow Boston with his horse Peanut

Milking the pregnant cow Time for Thanksgiving! Train ride....they all loved the haunted tunnel Boston petting the donkey

This parrot was obsessed with my camera and kept inching closer to me and finally flew over to me to get it

Hay ride with Boston's 2nd grade class

Hello Mr goat And this is what they call a Zorse. It's a horse that mated with a Zebra

This little piggy went to the market..... Baby chick...this really made Boston ready to get some at home

But then they brought out he baby duck and I fell in love....might have to get a few for our pond come spring!And then there were tons of funky chickens

These goats where having a full on fight while we were in the pen with them. Of course the kids LOVED it!

Ms. Ward and boston

My favorite picture of the day.

Duck feet

And of course we end our stay at the pumpkin patch

Boston and I with our pumpkin picks. I was quite proud of my find. A tall, skinny pumpkin

Mrs Pickalow and Ms Wards 2nd grade class

1 comment:

Michelle Cochran said...

Yay! I chaperoned Kaili's class to that same farm last year and it was so much fun!