He's so happy when he's out there on the field
And I'm so impressed with Dallas sportsmanship, his commoradory with his fellow teammates and the respect he shows to his coaches. When we get to the field he immediately searches out his coaches and runs over to say "hi coach!" with a big Dallas smile. He enjoys talking to every teammate more than anyone I've ever seen. And when he heads out into the outfield he always asks the coach, "Where do you want me coach?" It makes me smile. What a precious boy his is and he's so outgoing with not a nervous bone in his body!
This is what Asher did while the boys played....racing his cars on the blanket
And little Miss Sydney hung out smiling at everyone with her sparkling big blue eyes
And getting kisses from Daddy
Daddy's little girl
Dallas still standing on his toes, even with his new skateboard shoes. The boy has the ability to balance better than some gymnasts
Final huddle-up with the Green Monster team!

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