We had a lot of pumpkins this year to carve and had a fun time doing it. Boston did his own. He drew it, pulled all the seeds out and carved it. It was the first time he did it all by himself and he did an amazing job! Sydney enjoyed watching the festivities. Dallas didn't like the seeds inside at all but was excited that daddy was going to put the batman symbol on his. Asher...well Asher wanted to paint his, then he didn't, then he wanted the pumpkins away from his seat, then he was crying.....well....he was acting like a 3 year old. Maybe next year Asher.

My little pumpkin celebrating her first Halloween

Some of the pumpkins finished

Dallas had batman, Asher was mickey mouse, then there was a pirate and some funny faces. I don't know where Boston's had walked off to at this point

And here they are all lite up. Boston's masterpiece is the far right one.
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