The first day of school went amazing today!
Here is Boston who is going into 2
nd grade. He is sporting his school uniform and a star wars back pack with star wars lunchbox

Boston is such my big man now. He's so independent, doing everything on his own. It seems like just yesterday he needed me to dress him, tie his shoes, fix his food and buckle him in his seat. Everyday I am reminded to pay attention and love each and every moment because in a blink of an eye he will be heading off to college saying, "Mom do I have to take ANOTHER picture!"

And here is my Dallas who is entering Kindergarten. He is sporting his school uniform with a Superman back pack and lunch box (complete with a cape!)

When I looked at this picture I was
awestruck by how grown up he looks. It's amazing how much he has grown in the last two years on every level. I am so proud of him for all he has accomplished and the mountains he has had to climb over. I know the Lord has big plans for him!

The boys in the back of the car while we waited in line to drop them off. They had ants in their pants to get out and head to their new classrooms and begin this new adventure!

I wasn't allowed to walk them in and it was a little hard for me to watch Dallas walk away from my car knowing I wasn't going to see him until after 3:00 today. What a long day! But I just focused in on the fact that Asher and Sydney and I would have some nice one on one time together and Asher was really excited to be hanging out with mommy!
First we went over to my friend Joy's house to meet a few other moms who's kids also go to the same school. It was a great time together with some new friends. I have been so impressed with how friendly everyone is at this school. They all reach out to make new friends and help each other out. It was such a blessed time together with these lovely ladies.
Then Asher and I headed to get new tires on my car, went to Toys r us to browse around with my mom while the tires were getting put on. I ran home to meet he appliance repair man to fix the washer and back a cookie cake for our Back To School celebration today.
Then it was time to get my car and head to pick up the boys. They jumped in the car with the biggest smiles on their faces so happy about this new school, their teachers and the new friends they made. It couldn't make mommy feel any better.
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