Tonight I took Boston and Dallas to meet their new teachers at their new school. When we drove in Boston said to Dallas, "wouldn't it be great if we could go here all the way through high school? I then said, "This school does go all the way through high school boys!" They started jumping up and down. How funny that that was what he thought of.
Here is a picture of the boys in front of the school bell.

Here is Dallas meeting his Kindergarten teacher. He played with the toys she sat out for a little while. We even found out that 2 of the girls who are in his class were in his
PreK3 class 2 years ago. And we have been beyond blessed with an amazing teacher who is ready and willing to help him out to make things transition for him. Teachers truely are a gift from God! I'm so excited for this new journey for him and I know he's going to have a great time.

Boston is a big 2
nd grader this year. Since we
homeschooled last year for 1st grade, the last classroom he was in was Kindergarten. What a big difference a kindergarten class is from a 2
nd graders class! (Especially since we had just left Dallas class). I'm so excited for him and this new adventure. He thought it was super cool that there was a ships steering wheel on the front door and a whole class theme about it. I know he's going to have a great year.

Here's my grown up little 7 year old at his seat
Here's a picture of
boston with his teacher (on the right) and her assistant (on the left). Not a great picture. I was holding Sydney and I obviously wasn't keeping the camera very steady with one hand (if you knew how much my camera weighed you would understand.) His teacher has 3 boys of her own and homeschooled for 4 years. Yah for teachers who understand boys! It seems to me like we have hit the jackpot with both the kids teachers this year.

Daddy had to work late, and Asher spent the night with
Nena and Papa, so I treated the boys to Perkins for their favorite pancakes. Boston said the blessing at the table and said, "Thank you Lord that you let us come to this awesome restaurant and have these amazing pancakes and thank you for our new school." Isn't it funny the little things in life that are such a big deal to little ones. Mommy was thankful she didn't have to prepare the food and clean up and even more thankful for God's divine hand in choicing this school for my boys!
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