But the last few weeks the other thing Florida summers are known for have arrived...the RAIN! Monsoons of rain. Every afternoon it rains and pours and thunders and lightenings and I LOVE IT! There's nothing like a good thunderstorm. I get so excited. And my boys are the same way. No one scared in this house. We love to sit on the patio and watch it. I especially love it when it's raining while we sleep. Ahh...the best sleep listening to the rainstorm. But today there was no lightening or thunder so while Asher was taking a nap I let the boys ride there hot wheels in the rain. Boy did they LOVE it. 
I also picked up these adorable boots on sale at Target last week (they have really come in handy with walking Dillard in the backyard with all the mud from the rain). Boston was trying to make the water splash up like it was doing in my car today on the way to Asher's swim lesson. The boys loved how all the water would fly up onto the window. The little things in life that make them happy. 
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