(A typical family photo-the only ones smiling at the camera are me and Sean-even the dog looked away...LOL...figures...Photography is my "thing" but my kids don't really want to be a poser when it comes to group photos...only individual)

What a strange 4th of July it has been. We usually have a bunch of people out at my parents lakehouse but they are out of town and Suzanne is in Thailand and Sean is working like crazy this week so we decided to keep it small. All day it's just been my brother Wes and I hanging out with the boys. They have loved playing on the beach and we sure wore them out today.

Uncle "Hess" taught Boston how to knee board with his rigged pully system and I was so impressed with how awesome Boston was. He picked it right up and the smile on his face said it all!

Dallas taking a spin on the knee board

The boys also had a BLAST swimming all around in the lake. Wes went out with them and since the lake is so low they could go pretty far past the dock and still stand up! Of course I was all eyes looking for the gators...ugh! But they are both alive with all appendages attached and no gator in sight this visit.

Asher's still not a big fan of the sand at the lakehouse, but he later warmed up to it a little bit

He more preferred to sit in the shade and eat watermelon!

Mommy and Boston

Dallas and Mommy

Asher and Mommy

My attempt at getting a photo with my three sons...funny isn't it. Maybe someday they will all smile for a group photo! (Every year since Boston was born I have bought us shirts at Old Navy to match for the 4th...unfortunely this year I bought Sean the wrong size so he had to wear one from last year)

What a great smile he has!

Poor Sean didn't get there until 6:30pm, just in time for dinner. Wes and I mangaged pretty well getting dinner ready for all of us and then Karen and Jeff next door invited us over for more food so we were well set in that department. Boston enjoyed the sparklers while waiting for the fireworks, Dallas did not like them at all and decided he would rather go to bed than watch the fireworks. (He doesn't like fireworks yet.)

With Asher and Dallas in bed we enjoyed the fireworks on the dock and then shot off some that Karen and Jeff had bought and some old mortors (?) that Wes had from a Tennessee purchase. Boston just LOVED that.
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