Most people who see me out say, "you have 3 boys?" I reply, with a smile, "Yes." They almost always (all but 1 time that I can remember) reply "Oh what a handful!" or "God bless you child!" I love having boys! I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm not saying I wouldn't LOVE to have a little girl in our family (anyone close to me knows this is a deep desire of my heart.) But the truth is that God will give our family exactly what we are supposed to have. That's the joy in having children. It's a visual reminder of God's blessings. He chose for us each particular child because we are the perfect parents for that child. How exciting is that! And with talk of having a 4th, most people always want to ask me if we are trying for a girl. The answer is no. Of course, a girl would be AMAZING, but I wouldn't want to try for a 4th if I wasn't completely sure I would be happy with having a 4th boy. And honestly I would be just as happy if the 4th child is a boy because that is what God wants for us. And I would never want any of my boys to ever think I had wished they were a girl. Never. (FYI-no we are not trying for a 4th right now and I'm not pregnant.)![](
Which brings me to other thoughts I have had regarding our 4th. We were talking about using different methods to try and make a little girl. But God keeps telling me that it really doesn't matter what we try to do, he is going to give us just what we NEED. And I don't think I want to "try" to make a little girl either. I honestly want to just enjoy the process, not stress about it, and leave it ALL up to God. It's one of those things in life that you truly have NO power over. And how exciting is that! And I'm not saying it's bad to "try" for a sex, I'm just saying God has convicted me about it. And what is right for one person, might not be right for another, so there's no room for judgement there. So God only knows what our family will ultimately consist of...I just know it's going to be beautiful!
I've been thinking lately about how people say "I wouldn't want another boy." In the Bible, boys are prized. All children are but especially boys. It seems that only in the last generation or so have people come to see them as a "handful". And why? Because they don't want to deal with the energy boys bring or take the time to teach them self-control (which isn't much better in girls these days). God gives boys all that energy and gusto for a reason. To take care of us women. But of course, lately, women don't think they need taking care of? Anyway. Just had to get that off my chest!
That is so true Jenny! Boys used to be such a treasure. When they said, "you had a boy," OH THE JOY! Now people view it as a burden. And the energy is exillerating (sp?), well at times I guess...LOL (when I can keep up with them ha ha). Thank you God for boys!!!
That is so true Jenny! Boys used to be such a treasure. When they said, "you had a boy," OH THE JOY! Now people view it as a burden. And the energy is exillerating (sp?), well at times I guess...LOL (when I can keep up with them ha ha). Thank you God for boys!!!
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